Sunday, July 4, 2010


So this is what I wore Friday. I was mostly at home all day, except for a few hours I went with a friend to run some errands. This outfit is boring-- I need to learn to accessorize better. But in my defense, this is better than jean shorts, a t-shirt, and flip flops, right? And it was a little cooler that day than it has been recently, so I took advantage of that and wore this sweater. I love it and all but it's wayyy too heavy to wear when it's 90-something degrees outside.

Oh, and pardon the trash on the ground. I should stop being lazy and straighten up next time. So yeah, not much to say here. And I really want to go take a nap before I have to go to work at 5:15. So... Happy Independence Day. :)

Sweater: Stolen from my cousin.. it was too big for her.

Shorts: Kohl's

Sandals: from Rack Room Shoes. They were on sale too!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Hi, I'm Hannah. I start projects and then abandon them.

What a slacker. Last post April 10th? Seriously?
Not that anyone reads this or cares, but I should have a little more self respect that that, to just start this and give up so easily.
BUT I've had a little bit of motivation recently. Not sure where it came from, but it's there. I've even figured out how to take decent pictures of myself so I can't use the excuse of needing a trusted photographer. Go me. So we're giving this another try.
To start us off, a group of photos expressing my delight at coming home from visiting friends out of town and finding my package from Fred Flare had arrived. Hooray for new sunglasses and a Holly Golightly-inspired sleep mask!

This is all for now. There will be a semi-lame outfit coming soon. Don't get too excited. ;)