Friday, March 11, 2011

Just barely.

I promised to get at least one post up this week. Here it is! My One Post. And it's kind of a stretch. I mean, I'm wearing my TOMS. Confession: I have this little voice in my head that likes to taunt me and say things like, "If you're wearing your TOMS this outfit isn't blog-worthy." Take that, little voice. I lived in workout clothes this week, barely wearing make-up, and mostly only leaving the house to go to the Y to run or go to Zumba. I was a hot mess all week, minus the hot. [And yeah, if that first sentence made me sound like some kind of workout super-girl... I'm not. I've also sat around doing a whole lot of nothing and eating a ton of candy. It's all about balance.]
Oh, and I went shopping for a while Monday and Wednesday... I wore jeans and a t-shirt, 'cause I was feeling fancy. So this lack of style motivation this week is why I almost failed my mission to post an outfit this week. But here it is, in all its laid back glory.

[sweater: belk]

[tank top: stolen borrowed and not returned, from my cousin]

[jeans: kohl's]

[TOMS shoes]

Now I'm off to try to enjoy the end of my spring break before I return to the grind on Monday. Happy weekend. xo.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Spring Break.

It's here! Another semester is half over, and I don't have to go back to school for one whole week. I'm a happy girl. I was already in lazy spring break mode this week, and I kind of dressed like a bum everyday. I found a pair of skinny black cargo pants at Target on the sale rack last weekend for $5.50. It was obviously meant to be, so I bought them. And then proceeded to wear them (almost) everyday this week. Don't judge. They're great. And like I said... spring break mode.

I actually did try to look half-way decent on Tuesday, but I didn't really find time to get any pictures, except for propping my camera on the back of my car and hitting the self-timer. My camera is apparently in spring break mode as well, because it wouldn't focus. And this is all I got. I thought they turned out kind of cool and artistic, don't you think? No? Yeah, I really don't either, I was just attempting to make myself feel better. Oh well.
Even though you can't really see what I'm wearing...
[old navy dress]
[leggings from kohl's]
[sam & libby flats]

Maybe in all my spring break spare time I'll wear some cute clothes and actually take pictures.

Now it's a goal: Outfit post at least once this week. Ready, set, go.