Sunday, July 3, 2011

Patriotic Polka Dots.

Happy Independence Day!! I love the Fourth of July. It's such a happy holiday.

I got all festive and wore this to church yesterday. One of my little brother's friends told me my shoes didn't match my clothes. Silly boys.

I was hoping you could see the cute little flower buttons the shirt has, but this isn't a very good detail shot. So even if you can't see them, just know... this shirt has cute little flower buttons.

And my favorite part of this outfit... coordinating polka dots on the shirt and shoes!

[top: ??? from belk]
[skirt: gap]
[shoes: rampage]

We're having a cookout tonight with family, so there may or may not be another red, white, and blue outfit coming. Not that I already have something in mind or anything... :)

Hello again.

Hi there. [Insert usual apologies/excuses for absence/laziness.] Now, moving on to clothes...

Apparently I only take outfit shots on Sundays after church. I currently have four outfits worth of unposted pictures, and all four are outfits I wore to church. At least it shows that I make an effort to dress decently once a week for sure.

Hannah, how many times have I told you it looks sloppy to hook your thumbs in your skirt pocket? I'm ashamed of me.

I really love this shirt, but I hardly ever wear it. Also, the love for this peachy skirt continues.

It's been such a long time since I posted my outfits, I don't remember how I structure my posts. So I'll make something up. :)

[top: ??? purchased at belk]

[skirt: goodwill]

[gold sandals you can't really see: purchased at rack room]

Friday, March 11, 2011

Just barely.

I promised to get at least one post up this week. Here it is! My One Post. And it's kind of a stretch. I mean, I'm wearing my TOMS. Confession: I have this little voice in my head that likes to taunt me and say things like, "If you're wearing your TOMS this outfit isn't blog-worthy." Take that, little voice. I lived in workout clothes this week, barely wearing make-up, and mostly only leaving the house to go to the Y to run or go to Zumba. I was a hot mess all week, minus the hot. [And yeah, if that first sentence made me sound like some kind of workout super-girl... I'm not. I've also sat around doing a whole lot of nothing and eating a ton of candy. It's all about balance.]
Oh, and I went shopping for a while Monday and Wednesday... I wore jeans and a t-shirt, 'cause I was feeling fancy. So this lack of style motivation this week is why I almost failed my mission to post an outfit this week. But here it is, in all its laid back glory.

[sweater: belk]

[tank top: stolen borrowed and not returned, from my cousin]

[jeans: kohl's]

[TOMS shoes]

Now I'm off to try to enjoy the end of my spring break before I return to the grind on Monday. Happy weekend. xo.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Spring Break.

It's here! Another semester is half over, and I don't have to go back to school for one whole week. I'm a happy girl. I was already in lazy spring break mode this week, and I kind of dressed like a bum everyday. I found a pair of skinny black cargo pants at Target on the sale rack last weekend for $5.50. It was obviously meant to be, so I bought them. And then proceeded to wear them (almost) everyday this week. Don't judge. They're great. And like I said... spring break mode.

I actually did try to look half-way decent on Tuesday, but I didn't really find time to get any pictures, except for propping my camera on the back of my car and hitting the self-timer. My camera is apparently in spring break mode as well, because it wouldn't focus. And this is all I got. I thought they turned out kind of cool and artistic, don't you think? No? Yeah, I really don't either, I was just attempting to make myself feel better. Oh well.
Even though you can't really see what I'm wearing...
[old navy dress]
[leggings from kohl's]
[sam & libby flats]

Maybe in all my spring break spare time I'll wear some cute clothes and actually take pictures.

Now it's a goal: Outfit post at least once this week. Ready, set, go.

Sunday, February 20, 2011


That yawn isn't about this post. It's about my current exhaustion. This weekend was wonderful. I went on a ski trip with my church youth group Friday night and Saturday, and I spent all day today at church and at my grandparents' house with all of my extended family. I'm so sleep deprived, but it was worth it.
This is what I wore to church this morning. I've had this sweater forever. I just bought this skirt recently and got kind of excited when I realized I could wear these together.

[sweater: ??? tj maxx, i believe]
[skirt: goodwill]
[flats: naturalizer]

I heart skirts with pockets.

Here's hoping this week is half as nice as this weekend was. xo.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Church clothes.

This was what I wore to church Sunday morning. I was in a hurry after church and didn't really have time to take any pictures, plus it was super windy, so this is the best I've got.

I liked this outfit. (Except for the fact that my sweater was wrinkled. Oops.) I've had this skirt and sweater forever. I don't even remember where they came from; probably Belk's or somewhere like that. I kind of forgot I had the sweater, but I'm pretty sure it's going to get some regular use now that I've rediscovered it.

[sweater & skirt: ???]
[shoes: nine west]

P.S. Happy Valentine's Day. :)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sometimes I Wear Other Colors.

Really. I do. Promise. I don't wear black/gray/purple everyday. Maybe it's just a Thursday thing?

I didn't really think this outfit was all that great, but I took pictures anyway. And I don't have great pictures because my sweet little brother was being uncooperative. But I can't complain, because he still walked outside to take these.

So this was my lovely outfit I wore to school today. It worked. Now, on to Friday and the weekend. :)

Part of the reason I waited two weeks between posts is because this is basically my uniform. Sweater, skinny jeans, boots. Once the weather warms up it will be easier to break out of this habit.

Not sure what that face is in this last one. Oh well.
[sweater & tank: old navy]

[jeans & boots: kohl's]

Thursday, January 27, 2011

I'm back.

We'll see how long this burst of inspiration lasts. :) Last time I tried to get this blog going, I had some issues. The first being that my family didn't know about it, mostly because I thought my brothers would judge me. So I was sneaking around to take pictures without any one noticing, and it was hard work being so sneaky! And once I got in a little routine of covert photo snapping... our computer crashed. And then a lot happened and blah blah blah. But now I have my own laptop, and my family knows about my sad little excuse for a blog, so here I am! My family still hasn't seen my blog, because I still foresee some judging, but they will see it eventually. My little brother even took these pictures for me, and I know he won't help me out many more times without being let in on the secret. So that's the story, pardon my rambling.

But anyway... this is what I wore to school today. I got this dress for $5 at goodwill and this is the first time I've worn it. I think I like it. I just can't wait for warmer weather so I can wear it with out all the layers!

(Notice how the dress is eating my hands in the above shot? Yeah, it has pockets. Heart. )

[dress: converse one star; from the goodwill, yo]

[long sleeve tee: old navy]

[belt: came with some random shirt]

[tights: belk]

[boots: kohl's]